Staying active is one of the primary foundations to maintaining good health. So what happens when you are felled by a sports injury and not able to maintain your previous activity level? You find ways to treat the pain and hasten healing. While prescription medications and special physical therapy exercises can help things along, why not try electronic acupuncture to speed up and improve the healing process?
Insight into Electronic Acupuncture
Acupuncture is based on the theory that your body is divided into various pathways called meridians which channel energy throughout the body. The energy is also called chi. When your body experiences pain or illness, one or more blocked meridians are the result. Unless you can stimulate your body to release this blockage of chi, you could experience illness and pain for longer than necessary.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture using the stainless steel needles all over the body. However, you can derive the same restorative results through electronic acupuncture, especially for healing sports injuries. Using a small device that emits electromagnetic impulses through a wand, you can manipulate various acupoints in the hand and wrist to speed up healing.
Your body is susceptible to electromagnetism. Electric impulses are conducted through the connective tissues of the body, which also happen to be part of the meridians that carry chi throughout the body. When you are injured, body tissues may become swollen or inflamed. This inflammation can press against one or more meridians, blocking the flow of restorative energy needed for healing. When you use an electronic acupuncture device to direct electromagnetic impulses to specific acupoints, you can essentially "break up" these blockages, restoring the flow of chi.
Applying Electronic Acupuncture to Sports Injuries
Sports injuries such as a torn ligament in the knee, a sprained ankle or even tendinitis required rich, oxygenated blood for optimal healing. However, when you are injured, the site often becomes inflamed and tender. Applying electromagnetic impulses to the acupoints that correspond to your injury will help the blood vessels around the area widen, allowing more oxygenated blood to flow. This increased blood flow also carries away the toxins your body produces in response to the injury which in turn reduces inflammation.
Electronic acupuncture is great for sports injuries because it also stimulates your body to produce more endorphins which help alleviate pain. In addition, with the flow of energy restored through the connective tissues, healing speeds up. Consider introducing electromagnetic acupuncture therapy to your rehabilitation so you can get back to the physical activities you enjoy much faster.
N Strickland is a former cancer patient who is thankfully now in remission. He has a keen interest in pain management, most particularly using alternative therapies and Niall's family has had personal success with Aculife's Magnetic Wave Therapist. Aculife's Magnetic Wave Therapist has had rave reviews from consumers and professionals in the medical field alike. Learn more about dealing with sports injuries, pain, and boosting your immune system at
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